Hey there! my name is lindsay, and i’m a photographer.

I thrive on adventure, coffee, and capturing memories. Since I was a kid, I always found it fascinating to freeze moments in time that you could look back on years later, and experience the emotion from that moment all over again! This life is a vapor, a mere moment in time where tomorrow is not guaranteed, and any moment can be and should be captured. Intertwined with my great love for photographing moments is my joy for couple photography. Our Creator God has beautifully and intricately woven each one of us uniquely, and our stories have been defined and refined by both joy and sorrow. Every individual person and every couple has their own beautiful, broken story.

My passion and goal as a wedding photographer is to capture each story uniquely, because every story is different, yet every story is something worth capturing.

Some may say that the best part of my job is traveling and exploring the world, and while that is one of my favorite parts of what I do, it isn’t necessarily the best part. The best part of my job is that while I experience the joy in capturing your wedding, I get to have a tiny part in your story as the images I capture are passed down through generations. Now that is a pretty cool thing to think about.

All that to say, my job is pretty darn cool. I am inspired daily by my wonderful parents who are going on 38 years of marriage and display daily what a God honoring marriage looks like, and I now live in beautiful Colorado because a friend of mine once said: “Once you have the mountains in your blood, it’s hard to get them out.”

Not only do I get to live in one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen and I get to meet and photograph some pretty cool people… but I also get to do it all alongside the most incredible husband. God is truly so good and gracious, y’all.

— Lindsay

and now that you know my story,

I want to hear yours.