on the blog

Encouraging the photographer community in creating businesses that are unique and authentic. 

Despite what most people say, starting a unique photography business is no easy task these days. The photographer community is extremely saturated with photographers that are desperately trying to build their businesses, but are struggling with branding and creating something unique in the industry.

In order to try and make it, they troll other photographer’s work and websites looking for ideas to inspire their own work. In the end, they become creatively stumped because they are comparing their own work with other photographers. Pretty much every single photographer in the industry is guilty of comparing themselves to others on Instagram, and it always leads to burnout and discouragement. This is a major issue in the photography industry because businesses start to look very similar in branding, message, and even editing style. 

Discovering the different

When I first started my photography business, I did the exact same thing that hundreds of other photographers did, primarily because I didn’t know any better, and it hurt my business in the end. I bought into the editing preset hype, I looked at other photographer’s websites looking for inspiration, and I compared myself to others on social media. Once I realized what I was doing and that it wasn’t helping my business grow, I decided to create a brand that was different from everyone else and discover exactly why I was passionate about photographing weddings and elopements. Through trial and error, discouragement, and a lot of frustration and loneliness, I figured it out. 

I’ve struggled with a lot of the same things other photographers have, but I don’t want it to be that way. I want to help the photography community grow in a unique way by sharing what I have learned, both good and bad. I want to share my experiences and help you grow your business in a way that reflects your own passion and creativity!
