Expect the Unexpected: Rolling with the Punches at Weddings

Every single wedding photographer in the industry could probably tell you, at the very least, five different stories of when weddings went haywire for a variety of different reasons. People running late, wedding planners/coordinators not keeping everyone on time, getting stuck in traffic, cars breaking down, a drunk groom prior to the ceremony, vendors not showing up, wedding dress malfunctions, major blizzards resulting in thirty inches of snow, and more.

Weddings are crazy, and every single wedding I’ve photographed has had at least one thing happen. As wedding photographers, how are we supposed to deal with all the craziness and still capture amazing photos for our couples? That answer is simple… we all have superpowers. Just kidding, but really though..

Just roll with it…

Our job is to capture amazing photos, but that is only a small part of what it means to photograph a wedding. It’s all about going with the flow, interjecting when needed, and being prepared for the unexpected. If you’re a wedding photographer, you know what I’m talking about, we get emotionally involved in our couples and want their special day to go as smoothly as possible. We are professional dress fluffers, hair fixers, veil placers, boutonniere pinners, bouquet holders, last minute day-of coordinators, and along with all of that we are there for the couple. We are there to assure them everything is okay and make sure they have everything they need to enjoy the happiest day of their lives.

Your job as a wedding photographer is to reduce as much stress as possible. If you’re stressed, everyone else around you will pick up on it and will think there’s a reason to be stressed. It is so important to stay calm, collected, and ready to jump in. The most helpful thing you could do for yourself and for your clients is to be as organized as possible.

Do your research and get organized BEFORE the day of the wedding

Ask your clients for shot lists to be sure nothing is missed, make sure you have the final timeline, and ask your clients at least a month before if there is anything specific you need to know about their wedding. It is so important to make sure you are organized at least a week before the wedding, mainly because if you’re missing anything then it’s going to be impossible to get any information during the craziness of wedding week.

Gather as much information as you can, and organize it. I use a note in my phone that has all the addresses, phone numbers, names, timeline, shot list, and notes so that I have all of the information I need in one place. I also have all the shots I need to get organized so that I can check them off when they’re done so I don’t miss anything.


Communication is super important on a wedding day, especially with other vendors such as a videographer or planner. Planners need to keep things on time, and you need to get all the requested shots, so work together. Unless it’s something only the bride or groom can answer, don’t ask them, go to the planner. The couple has worked so hard to plan their wedding, the last thing they want is to have to constantly be talking to you all day.

Communicate where needed, but focus on your job as a photographer. Let events unfold, watch for emotional moments between family members, and be ready to capture the littlest details. Roll with the punches, and let your clients create memories together. Your job as a photographer is not to create memories, it’s to capture them.

If Something Insane Happens, stay calm.

The groom has a flat tire and is gonna be late, don’t freak out. Go with the flow, see what else you can cross off your shot list while you’re waiting. If not, be creative. Use the light that you have and grab some details. Don’t stand around waiting, there is always something you can be doing on a wedding day. Go above and beyond to help your client, no matter what it is!

I’ve had weddings that have gone flawlessly with no problems whatsoever, and I’ve had weddings that haven’t gone so smoothly. The most important thing to remember in the moments where things aren’t going so well is that you are at the wedding for the couple, so do your best to fulfill any and every need. Roll with it, communicate, stay organized, keep calm, and most importantly do your best to capture everything along the way.